The old Clubhouse is the Bannockburn Community’s home. It has been the center of community activity since 1946. With your help, we can keep it in good shape for the future.

How you can donate

Bannockburn Community Club is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax ID is 526055312. Donations to our Club are tax-deductible to the full extent of the tax law.

Donate by Paypal or credit card

Please use this link.

.   or use this FORM.

Donate by check

Please send a check made out to BCC at the address below. Please print out and enclose this form with your check. Add a note if you’d like – we’d love to hear from you!

Bannockburn Community Club
6314 Bannockburn Drive
Bethesda, MD 20817

Donate when you shop

Do you know that a variety of food trucks come to the Bannockburn Swim Club parking lot several times a week? Shouk, Lebanese Taverna , and Bistro Aracosia come regularly to our neighborhood and have each agreed to donate a portion of their revenue to BCC.

Donate with your membership payment

You can include a donation with your annual membership payment. Please consider increasing your annual donation, and donate to other neighborhood organizations such as Glen Echo Park, the Clara Barton Community Center, and our local Neighbors Assisting Neighbors (NAN) group.

Donate with your charitable giving account

If you have a charitable giving account with a financial company (also known as a donor advised fund), you can use it to donate to the Bannockburn Community Club.  We are a 501(c)(3) organization and our tax ID is 526055312. Please consider making an annual donation.

Contact your donor advised fund or donate directly through your account’s website.

Donate with a Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD)

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), also known as “IRA Charitable Rollover Gifts,” are distributions paid directly from an IRA to a charity. They are made before taxes and thus may lower one’s overall taxable income. They will count toward satisfying any Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) that an IRA  owner must take each year after reaching age 72. They are therefore an effective way to donate tax free, even if you take a standard deduction on your taxes and do not itemize donations. Please consider this as a way to donate to BCC!

At present, 401(k) and 403(b) retirement accounts or inherited IRA accounts do not qualify for QCDs. Please contact your IRA provider and/or your tax advisor for details.

Our Clubhouse

The Clubhouse is the Bannockburn Community’s home, and like every home, it needs constant care and repair. The original building, which houses the Grill Room, dates back to 1897. The larger building was added in 1920. The grounds are comprised of two and a half acres and have trees that date back to the original building. Since 1946, the Clubhouse has been the center of community activity for generations of Bannockburnians, hosting 64 yearly Spring Shows to date and counting. It has housed our wonderful Bannockburn Nursery School since 1950. For 75 years, it has brought us together for Music Festivals, Happy Hours, Halloween Parades, Newcomers’ Dinners, Ice Cream Socials and other memorable community events.

At 75, our beloved Clubhouse continues to delight us with shared laughter, song and dance, in good times, and in bad times. We in Bannockburn hold our history dear and recognize the time and effort of those who came before us. We owe it to them and to our our new and future neighbors to keep going for another 75 years.

How we are using your donations

Since 1955, a Board of volunteer Bannockburn residents has been charged with the management, maintenance and safety of our Clubhouse.

In 2020, the Pandemic severely restricted our ability to earn revenue and host our annual fundraisers and events. Even with this financial uncertainty, in early Spring 2020, with the help of a $48K grant from Montgomery County, we installed beautiful rain gardens on the west side of the building to address serious storm water runoff affecting our neighbors. In February 2021, we will replace the decaying and inoperable 100-year old windows of the nursery school’s largest classroom that overlook the new raingarden.

But there’s always something new to fix. The Grill Room sprang a leak this winter; now gutters and roofing need repair. We have suffered a considerable drop in overall revenue but yet have managed to keep the Clubhouse whole.