
The BCA represents the Bannockburn community before government and civic bodies on zoning, roads, schools, legislation, and other civic issues; publishes the Bannockburn Community Directory and The Bannockburn Back9 newsletter; and sponsors this website. Holds a board position on the Glen Echo Partnership for Arts and Culture, Inc.

Governing Documents


Residents of the area bordered by Wilson Lane, MacArthur Boulevard, River Road and Goldsboro Road (see map), though we have members from outside these traditional boundaries. Annual meeting in May.

How to Become a Member

Members Only

Membership privileges include:

  • Printed copy of the directory
  • Access the updated electronic version of the directory
  • Members Only Area


Annual dues set by elected Executive Board ($30/year since 2023).

BCA Leadership

President Mike Zangwill
Vice-President/Transportation and Safety Elizabeth Kellar
Treasurer Steven Solomon
Historian/BCI Liaison Patty Howie
Ombudswoman Nancy Forden
Environment Pamela Toole/Randall Ingate
Secretary Randall Ingate
Woodland Stewards Group David Hecht/Katy Levine
BCC Liaison Ross Hurt
At Large Nancy Roche, Laura Chavez, Brian Moore
Newsletter/Newcomers Committee Beth Rogers. Has anyone new moved onto your street? Contact Beth at bethmrogers@earthlink.net and she will make sure they get an official welcome.

To contact any of the board members, email bcaboard@bannockburncommunity.org